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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pinoy English

Perhaps one of the best traits we Filipinos have is our sense of humor. Filipinos can find humor even in the most serious of situations. I guess that is why despite our country being poor and all, we manage to somehow be a happy people. I mean where else in the world can you find people who can laugh at themselves even through hunger, poverty and hardships?Free Userbars Only in the Philippines.Free Avatars

Of course, there are still some people who are so uptight and frown at the littlest of things, but it's great that they aren't that many. Anyway, I wanted to share this video made by a Canadian born Filipino. I was literally laughing my ass off when I was watching this video.Happy Emoticons Check it out!

It's funny because it's true.Happy Emoticons

It will probably sound insulting to some people (people who have no sense of humor and people who have sticks up their ass). LOL.Free Icons I love it because it's funny and it's a Filipino trademark, I think it's pretty awesome how we are gaining so much popularity because of it. Even Ellen DeGeneres loves the Filipino accent. Who wouldn't, it is so adorable! LOL.Free Icons

You know how much I love Ellen DeGeneres right?Free Icons Yes, she loves Filipinos too, she discovered Charice Pempengco and has given praise to Arnel Pineda and now Maria Aragon. She even said that the most talented singers are from the Philippines. She is so awesome. I watch her show religiously and I love that Mindy is back. For those of you who don't know Mindy (you should watch The Ellen DeGeneres Show more often!), she is Ellen's housekeeper and she is a Filipina. In the show's new segment, Ellen gives her a minute to give reviews about movies and stuff. Check out the latest from Mindy!

I am proud to be Pinoy! In the words of Mikey Bustos, "See you later heavy weighter and Pacquiao por Layf!". LMAO!Happy Emoticons



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