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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Go "Tweet Tweet", ALL.THE.TIME

I tweet quite heavily. I suppose if you have been following me, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about. It's because I have a lot to say and not enough people to listen to me. LOL. Thanks to Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams and Biz Stone, I can yak all I want and I don't have to worry about not having anyone to listen to me because on Twitter, everyone listens, or at least you think someone does. LOL.sengihnampakgigi I love the whole concept. Which is why I am always on the look out for a good twitter client on my iPhone or iPod because I would love to be able to tweet even when I am not at home, because believe it or not, I do have a lot to say and I am not one to keep my thoughts to myself especially if they are hilarious, weird or even just whatever kind of thoughts. If you tweet too, you can follow me @anefallarme, as well as my entertaining tweets @tweetsFromANETV. My tweets are so awesome celebs like Britney Spears and Ellen DeGeneres are following me!encem

So anyway, I have been on the look out for the best twitter apps for the iPhone/iPod and here's a couple I found that are worth checking out.

Echofon and Echofon Pro

Echofon is the free version.

  • Free
  • Push notifications for Echofon users, desktop or iPhone/iPod.
  • Multiple Accounts (at most 2-3 are allowed on the free version)
  • Allows Geotagging
  • Photo Service Enabled (TwitPic, Flicker and Plixi)
  • Notifications EXCLUSIVE to Echofon users only, desktop or iPhone/iPod.
  • Not Facebook integrated, meaning can't update stats and twitter at the same time.

Echofon Pro is the paid version. As of this writing it's price went down from $4.99 to $1.99.

  • On SALE at $1.99 for a limited time
  • Multiple accounts allowed
  • Global Push Notification - meaning you get notifications even if non-Echofon users send you tweets.
  • Geotagging Enabled
  • Photo Service Enabled (TwitPic, FLicker and Plixi)
  • Not Facebook integrated

  • FREE
  • Facebook Integrated
  • Enables scheduled tweets and Facebook status
  • Geotagging Enabled
  • Can translate tweets to different languages
  • Photos can be uploaded to Facebook
  • No Push Notifications


  • FREE
  • Facebook Integrated
  • Geotagging Enabled
  • Photo Service Enabled (TwitPic, YFrog and TweetPhoto as well as Facebook)
  • No Push Notifications
  • Constantly freezes

  • FREE
  • Multiple Accounts Allowed
  • Photo Service Enabled (TwitPic, YFrog, Plixi MobyPicture, TwitGoo, Posterous, img.ly)
  • Video Service Enabled (YFrog, TwitVid, MobyPicture, Posterous, VodPod)
  • Global Push Notification
  • Not Facebook Integrated
The Twitter app for the iPhone/iPod would have been perfect if it was Facebook integrated. I want to be able to publish my tweets on my Facebook wall as well.

I love Echofon because it has push notifications, meaning you get notified if someone mentions you, sends you a private message or someone replies to your tweets. HOWEVER, for Echofon, it only does that IF THE USER IS ALSO AN ECHOFON USER. If you want the GLOBAL PUSH NOTIFICATION feature, which means you get notifications no matter what twitter client the twitterer uses you will surely get notifications, you'll have to purchase the paid version, ECHOFON PRO, but why will you do that if the Twitter app can do that anyway, right?soal

I used to love Tweetdeck because it's the first one I used for both Twitter and Facebook, but I don't know why but it freezes on me a lot, especially when I tweet heavily, which is often. I think it has something to do with the API and stuff. I'm glad I came across Hootsuite, it is like Tweetdeck, but it doesn't freeze, so yay.sengihnampakgigi I think I may just delete Tweetdeck now, but since I don't need the extra space just yet, it can stay on my iPhone for now.

How about you?soal Which twitter client are you fond of, please share your thoughts, I'd love to learn of new twitter apps for the iPhone or for the desktop.

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