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Friday, December 17, 2010

Your Christmas Gift to Me

Hey everyone! I need your help! You know how badly I want an iPhone 4 right? Well, I stand a chance to win one, if I can get enough people to vote for me. It only takes like a couple of seconds to cast a vote, so please help me out. I will consider it an early Christmas present if you click on the link below and cast your vote for one or both of my entries.



You can also click on the image below and then vote for the one that appeals most to you.


I will know if you have voted, so thanks so much in advance! If I win, I'm going to have a $15 iTunes gift card contest!

So please, help me win. VOTE AND SPREAD THE WORD!

Outlined Text Generator at TextSpace.net

Outlined Text Generator at TextSpace.net

ANE Thanks her First Commenter with linky love
Thank You for gracing me with your presence!

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