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Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Fill Ins: T.G.I.F.!

Thank God it's Friday! This means the end of another week which means I get time off from work, and I do hope to get that much needed R&R this weekend because I have been working my ass off this past week. Mommy duties and Work duties were a lot tougher on me this week than any other week and I found myself flustered and overwhelmed. I am glad this week is almost over!

Anyway, time for Friday Fill Ins! As an ongoing Christmas theme, there are 2 types of Friday Fill Ins and I am going to do both. The second FFI's are letters which of the initials of the first words of the first line of a Christmas song, let's see how many I can do this week!

So... here we go!

1. What in the world _is wrong with some people? It's almost Christmas and they are still freakin assholes, I would expect all assholes to be nicer this time of the year_.

2. _I thank God that we are all very_ well fed.

3. Go _and be merry this holiday season_.

4. _ I just_ sent _my clients a few articles, I have only 25 500 word articles left to write and I am done for the day_.

5. I keep _wanting to go on a vacation but I can't afford it, and when I am able to afford it, something always comes up_.

6. _Should I have my hair curled_ or not?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _finishing ALL my articles and watching Pretty Little Liars_, tomorrow my plans include _going to Chakai's school for her Christmas party and then maybe go visit my grandma_ and Sunday, I want to _finish our Christmas shopping and then go for dinner and a movie with B and the kids_!


19. IDOAWCJLTOIUTK: I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas Just Like The Ones I Used To Know

20. CROAOFJFNAYN: Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire Jack Frost Nipping At Your Nose

21. IBTLALLC: It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas


23. SBRAYLITLSIG: Sleigh Bells Ring Are You Listening In The Land Snow Is Glistening

24. IBHFC: I'll Be Home For Christmas

25. WWYAMCWWYAMC: We Wish You A Merry Christmas We Wish You A Merry Christmas


27. FTSIAJHS: Frosty The Snowman Is A Jolly Happy Soul

Happy Weekend Everyone!

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