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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday: My Top Ten Christmas Cartoons

Top Ten {Tuesday}

I love and will forever love watching cartoons. I will never outgrow them. I know because I am 27 years old and I still love cartoons and there are just some cartoons that you just never get tired of watching, like holiday cartoons. You watch them every year during this time of the year and it's still as good as the last time you watched it. I love the Christmas season and whenever I watch holiday cartoons, I get nostalgic and I can't help but sport a grin from ear to ear.

So anyway, here are my Top Ten Christmas Cartoons that I would like for my children to see and hopefully love as much as I do.

1. A Charlie Brown Christmas

This is definitely one of my favorites. It centers around what Christmas is all about and teaching kids what is truly behind the holiday, which is Jesus Christ's birth. I'm definitely going to let my kids watch this every year, during this time of the year, starting this year. I want them to learn the true meaning of Christmas.

2. Yogi's First Christmas

I love Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo! In this cartoon, Yogi and Boo Boo skipped hibernation to save everyone else's Christmas and to help a grumpy old hermit and a bratty little kid learn what the holiday season should be about. We watched this today and I am happy that my kids enjoyed it.

3. Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas

I love the cartoon version of this just because of the animation, it has that authentic Dr. Suess feel, however, the film was good too. I just can't imagine that the social climbing bitch, Jenny Humphrey was once Cindy Lou Who, Taylor Momsen is no longer cute.

4. Nightmare Before Christmas

I love Tim Burton, I think he was a genius. I love this cartoon movie. I remember once in high school I suggested we do like a Nightmare Before Christmas kind of theme for our classroom Christmas decorations and everyone said I had a disturbed mind. Yeah, whatever. They obviously just don't understand the genius of Tim Burton. Oh well, they ended up decorating it the old fashioned cliche way, complete with fake snow made of soap, even though everyone knows that we are in a tropical country and it doesn't snow here.

5. Mikey's Christmas Carol

Definitely one of the most awesome stories about having the true meaning of Christmas, played by Mikey Mouse and his gang. If this doesn't put you in a good mood, then I guess you're a worst person than Ebenezer Scrooge.

6. The Nutcracker Prince

Based on the story by E.T.A. Hoffman, The Nutcracker and The Mouse King. It is also a ballet adaptation and when I was still dancing, we did an adaptation of it too, to Tchaikovsky's music and it has always been one of my favorite productions. Barbie has her version of this cartoon movie too, and that's what my kids have seen and they seem to like it as well. Definitely a favorite.

7. Tom and Jerry's version of The Night Before Christmas

I love Tom and Jerry! And I love their version of this classic poem.

8. Christmas Comes But Once A Year (1936)

Apparently during those times, the real Santa Claus gives crappy toys that break so damn easily, but thanks to Professor Grampy, the inventor, he manages to give the orphans a great Christmas by inventing toys out of kitchen supplies and stuff and even decorated the house. It makes no sense at all, but it's fun to watch.

9. Peace on Earth (1939)

Mankind extinct and animals live in a land of peace. Let Grandpa Squirrel tell you the story of how war destroyed mankind and how they come to live in peace with the help of a rule book (the bible) that men did not follow very well.

10. Twas the Night Before Christmas (1974)

An adaptation of the poem entitled, A Visit from St. Nicholas written by Clement Clark Moore in 1823. The first poem to ever describe how Santa Claus looked like as well as how he traveled on his sleigh pulled by 8 reindeer.

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