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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

ANEticing Artist: Marko Stout

Who is Marko Stout?

He is an up and coming artist who makes use of abstract art to explain his perception of the mind and body and its connection to the universe. He's current project called "The Cave" is a compilation of artworks he has done as an expression of his views on how we as humans are trapped in our physical bodies thus being forced to understand our purpose and the nature of the universe through myth, religion and the like. He uses this as a metaphor for our psyche's limitations because we are in a state wherein to seek a higher enlightenment is not possible because we are trapped in our physical bodies. It all sounds complicated, but really, it isn't. In layman's terms, he basically wants to show how we, as humans cannot fully understand or grasp the nature of the universe or figure out the "master plan", if there is any, because we are just that, human, and therefore trapped in a body where we can't do much, except, be human. Get it? I'll let some of his artworks speak for itself.

He is better known as Dr. Marko Stout to people who have known him because he is a retired surgeon, physician and biologist. He has also studied advanced metaphysics. Obviously he has a passion for the arts because now he is a rising star in the International art scene and he has an exhibit in New York City aptly named Marko Stout New York City. If you are a deep thinker and have a passion for the arts, then I am sure you will like the collection of his works, because not only are they wonderful to look at, they also make you ponder a bit on things you usually don't think about. If you're not a deep thinker, I think you will still enjoy his art because they are quirky and fun. If you find yourself in New York City, you should definitely check him out.

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