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Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Fill Ins: Time Fleeting Fast, A Raise and HP7

If it's your first time here, you might want to subscribe to my RSS feed or via e-mail, check out my sidebar. You can also donate for my amusement fund or buy me coffee, whatever floats your boat. Thanks for being here, do leave your URL so I can return the favor! Have fun reading stuff that amuse me and I hope you find yourself amused too!

I can't believe it's Friday already!hah The days come by so fast especially when you're on time off from work! This means I have to work tomorrow or tonight!sigh

I need some fill ins to definitely boost my spirits.

So...here we go!

1. Why does _time fly by so fast when you're on vacation from work but moves so slowly when you're working?soal Someone explain that to me please_.

2. _I want to_ see the world.

3. Thank you for _all your comments, my Top First Commenters' post for the past months is coming out very soon, so watch out for that_.senyum

4. _Christmas_ is my favorite holiday because _it is a time when families get together, but it's also my least favorite time of the year because it can become so tiring_.jelir

5. I am SO _not happy with my current salary, I need a raise, or a better paying job. I know I deserve it_.sedih

6. _We are whoever we_ make up our minds to be.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _more fun blogging activities_, tomorrow my plans include _going back to work_ and Sunday, I want to _go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows_!

Have a great weekend everyone!sengihnampakgigi

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ANE Thanks her First Commenter with linky love
Thank You for gracing me with your presence!

Wishing on a Falling Star

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