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Friday, November 26, 2010

ANEticipating Movie: I Spit On Your Grave (2010)

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I freakin' hate gruesome, disturbing movies, but I watch them anyway.jelir I don't know why the hell I torture myself.garupale Anyway, one particular gruesome, disturbing movie I want to see is the remake of the 1978 film, I Spit On Your Grave which was originally titled Day of the Woman but became more popular when it was re-released with its new title. Anyway, the remake of the movie was released last Halloween season but because it was too gruesome of a movie for our local cinema board, they didn't show it.sigh However, I have seen a DVD of it in AstroVision, so I will definitely get it the next time I'm in the mall.

I Spit on Your Grave is basically a revenge movie. It's about a woman who was attacked in her own home and then brutally raped and left somewhere in the woods to die. She didn't die, in fact, she came out of that horrifying ordeal stronger than ever and now she wants the guys' balls for what he did to her.

That's exactly what I want to see. I want her to torture that f***ked up pervert until he begs her to kill him instead.setan Death is too good for people like that, I think they deserve worse. Anyway, I can't wait to see this movie, gruesome and as hard as some parts to watch, I still want to see it. I guess I like to see men being tortured. LOL.setan

The lead role is played by newbie actress Sarah Butler. She has done some television work but this is her first lead role in a movie and she has already gotten praises for her intense acting in this film. I for one can't wait to see how she makes the perv beg for mercy.setan

Anyway, here's a sneak peek. I actually had goose bumps when I watched it.gigitjari

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