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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Increase Your Traffic, Increase Your Income

Trying to make a living from home is never easy, but for stay at home moms like me who love to write, blogging can be a fun way to generate a few extra dollars. The only thing we blogger moms worry about is generating traffic to our blogs, because more traffic would mean a better Page Rank and a better PR means a lot of advertisers would want you to advertise or write about their services or products. It's a good thing that there are companies like status media. Status Media is an online company which specializes in online advertising, they offer SEO services and PPC management.

SEO services is mostly what bloggers like me need. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, basically, Status Media submits your website to search engines like google and yahoo to generate a significant amount of quality traffic to your website or blog. Submitting your website or blog to search engines will make it easier for advertisers to find your blog or website.

If you are running a PPC campaign, then status media helps you manage your campaign with its PPC management, PPC stands for Pay Per Click, basically, status media helps you to increase your ROI, which means return of investment. Status Media promises to help you improve your quality score, improve your sales and lower your costs.

During these hard times, people like me, who live in a third world country can't afford to just sit around and do nothing, and because I am a mom to 2 as well, I have to make use of my free time to earn a few extra dollars on the side. I can't just rely on my husband to provide us with our bread and butter, I have to do something to help out and insure our family lives a comfortable life. The internet is an awesome invention, I am thankful to whoever thought of it, because without it, I won't be able to work at home, and be my own boss. I love being a blogger because I can work whenever I want and I can stay at home and take care of my kids. I can proudly say that I am not just a stay at home mom, I am a blogger, and guess what, I wouldn't have it any other way.


gagay said...

=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O

gagay said...

great SEO info here te ane! ;)

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