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Thursday, September 24, 2009

As Seen on TV

I love watching the home shopping network, I don’t know why, but whenever there is nothing good to watch on tv, I turn the channel to home shopping networks. I haven’t actually tried ordering products from a home shopping network, but I’ve bought some products I’ve seen on the home shopping network from a mall, because they carry the same brand. Now, there is a site on the web that features As Seen on Tv products called StarReviews. They not only make reviews about as seen on tv products but also websites, online services and other stuff like that. It’s worth checking out especially if you are on your way to buying the latest gadgets or stuff, it’s better to see how it actually works than figuring it out for yourself.

ANE Thanks her First Commenter with FCSB points
Thank You for gracing me with your presence!



LadyJava said...

:* :* :* :* :*

LadyJava said...

oh i bought lots of things from mail order shows Ane..a weakness I have successfully stop.. thank god.. heheh

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