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Monday, August 24, 2009

A Perfect Summer Vacation

I love perfect sunny days. You know, when the sky is clear and the breeze is cool. For me, that would be the best time to go on a vacation. One of my sisters-in-law live in Orlando, Florida and we have been invited a few times for a visit, but due to the economic crisis, our vacation to sunny Orlando, Florida has been canceled numerous times. The first thing I would definitely do when I get to Orlando, Florida is buy a couple of Disney Tickets, because I have been wanting to go to Disney land since I was a kid, no kid can ever resist Disney land's calling, and now that I have kids, I want them to experience one of the best theme parks in the whole world. Sure, Disney land Hong Kong is closer, but I'd much prefer to go to Disney land in Orlando, Florida before going anywhere else.

The best part about going to Orlando, Florida for a vacation is not only because they have the best theme parks like Disney World and Sea World, they also have beautiful beaches, and you know me, I love the beach, so for me, going to Orlando, Florida will be a dream vacation come true. Just picture this, B and I lying on the beach under a beach umbrella, while the kids play on the sand and make sand castles, it can't get any better than that.

I know my sister-in-law lives there and that we'd be more than welcome as house guests, but I'd still prefer to check in at a hotel so that we can fully experience our vacation. So, maybe we'll check in at The Walt Disney World Resort for 3 days, so we can fully enjoy our Disney World experience and then stay 2 days over at my sister-in-law's place and then stay 2 days on a beach resort. I can't wait for my dream summer vacation to be a reality. rindu I have to work real hard now to make it closer to reality.

ANE Thanks her First 3 Commenters withFCSB points
Thank You for gracing me with your presence!

Shinade a.k.a. Jackie


LadyJava said...

:* :* :* :* :* :*

LadyJava said...

I would love to go to Disney land Ane!!
How are you today sweetie??

Shinade aka Jackie said...

:* :* :* :*

Shinade aka Jackie said...

I have always dreamed of going to there too Ane and I live over here. All of my kids and grandchildren have gone but not us!! :( :(Maybe someday!! :) :) I hope you have a wonderful day!! hugs!! :* :* :* :*

Mariuca said...

:-D :-D :-D

Mariuca said...

Hi Ane! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$

Mariuca said...

Go go go to FLorida Ane, the kids will love Disney World! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

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